Saturday, April 2, 2016

Dale's Lovey-Dovey gEZUS (2nd Cor 11:4) because of the "abundance of revelation" (2nd Cor 12:7~9), pours his gRACE on Dale...he rots with cancer

"Progressive Revelation", a term that Richard E Rhoades presents as being discovered by him (Farce! Just Google PR) ( Here's how it goes: Dusty's Lovey-Dovey gOD didn't reveal himself all at once. Noah had more revelation than Adam, Abraham more than Noah, Moses more than Abraham, etc etc...coming up to the Apostle Paul. Up until that time, Paul had the most.

But the process continued. Lately the person having the MOST Progressive Revelation was Dusty Rhoades (glory halleluiah)...then he died. Now the person with the most is Dale H Koller.

As a demonstration of the absolute phenomenal amount of "abundance of revelation", Dale Koller "corrects" the KJV. He sent me these emails:

An enviable plank of doctrine of the Maranatha Bible Society is that the KJV is perfect and inerrant. However, because of Dale's "progressive revelation", it's perfecter

So, if you would like some of this "progressive revelation" join the Maranatha Bible'll get soooo much gRACE, you'll rot with cancer too!

Pray this prayer:
Lovey-Dovey gEZUS, to your ass we pray
That baddy baddy Allan, make him go away
Give us "Progressive Revelation", just like Dusty Rhoades
We'll be hOLY hOLY, we'll be a Rhoades's Toad
Give us sound sound doctrine, so we'll divide your word just right
And lotsn lotsa gRACE, so we'll fight your Farceass fIGHT
And we pray for Dale Koller, cuz he corrects your wORD
Now it is so perfect! As perfect as a TURD

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